In 2010, Let’s Go underwent its most significant transformation in its 50-year history. Rebranding as “the student travel guide”, the iconic hot-air balloon returned to its vintage covers. With full book content going online and a partnership with Edman & Company ending in-house ad sales, a streamlined staff ushered in an age of austerity. Producing 25 guides that year, with a mix of updates and new titles like Let’s Go: Berlin, the office structure evolved. The Publishing Director now oversaw multiple departments, and an efficient combination of Research Managers and Editors was introduced, shifting away from traditional book teams. This optimized editorial process led to better focus and higher productivity.
In 2011, Let’s Go underwent a significant overhaul. Avalon prompted a revamp of the guidebooks' architecture, emphasizing photos and more intuitive layouts. Eschewing old manuscripts, the team rewrote every word, emphasizing a witty, honest, and opinionated tone. Although the staff faced challenges, and in-house map-making ceased, 16 new titles, largely focusing on Europe, were introduced. Notably, the series ventured into ebooks under a deal with Avalon. However, despite these advancements, the digital age's dominance meant sales waned, and Let’s Go's presence continued to diminish.
In 2012, Let’s Go streamlined its operations with 17 RWs and 18 in-house staff. The series unveiled 14 books, graced with colorful covers, introducing the "Europe Top 10 Cities" edition and a pocket-sized "Budget Guides" collection for 11 cities, from Amsterdam to Rome. Alongside its partner Travora, previously TAN, Let’s Go dispatched RWs across the US and Canada to create dedicated blogs and videos for their website.
In 2014, despite budget constraints, Let's Go utilized grants to fund RWs' travels, resulting in three book titles, including a sold-out Let's Go: Europe edition, marking a profit after years. However, the 2015 series saw tragedy with the accidental death of RW Haley Rue in Germany, memorialized in the following year's edition. Amidst challenges, a determined Let's Go continued, focusing on its single annual title, Let's Go: Europe.
In 2017, Let's Go partnered with PlacePass, a Cambridge travel startup co-founded by a former RW. Alongside producing content for Let’s Go: Europe, RWs equipped with GoPros contributed to the PlacePass platform. The 2017 guide switched to a white exterior, though it boasted 24 pages of vibrant color photos. Despite dwindling book sales and internal debates about shutting it down, HSA's leadership remained committed to offering students invaluable travel experiences.
In 2018, Let’s Go aimed for a grand revival. Bolstered by newfound resources, they onboarded a full-time Marketing Director and multiple editorial staff, with Let’s Go alumni as advisors. EIC Kristine Guillaume oversaw a fresh manuscript for Let's Go: Europe, while Creative Director Austin Eder revamped its visuals. Transitioning from monochrome to vivid full-color printing, the edition featured a radiant image of Venice's Grand Canal, marking the first colorful cover in nearly ten years.
The 2019 and 2020 series continued the vibrant design initiated in 2018. In 2019, with three core staffers at the helm and a partnership with PlacePass, a picturesque Greek islands image adorned the cover. By 2020, marking its 60th edition, Let’s Go: Europe reverted to its iconic red and white cover while RWs traversed 16 nations. Unbeknownst to them, this would be the last batch of students Let’s Go dispatched overseas.
In 2020, as COVID-19 swept the globe, Let’s Go faced an unprecedented halt: no Researcher-Writers (RWs) traveled for the first time in nearly 60 years, leading to a publishing void in 2021. Despite retaining key staff for 2022, travel bans persisted, resulting in another missed summer of travel. After enduring industry shifts and two years without their signature product, Let’s Go, a staple in travel literature for 61 years, made the heart-wrenching decision to end its journey. Originating as a modest student pamphlet, it grew into a renowned global travel guide, inspiring competitors and forging lasting memories for its global community. Its legacy, encapsulating the dreams and aspirations of generations, stands undiminished.